3 Entropy

3.1 Basic notions

(September 1, 2023)

We worked a very particular example to explain the concept of entropy. Specifically we considered N quantum harmonic oscillators sharing (or partitioning) the q units of energy E=qω0 amongst themselves. (The graphical presentation of this problem is given in the lecture notes.) The total number of ways the system can partition the available energy is Ω(E) and the entropy is

Ω(E) (3.1)

The system will evolve until all possible partitions of the energy are equally likely. The probability of a specific partition is

Pm=1Ω(E) (3.2)

If there are six possible outcomes Ω(E)=6 (like a regular die) then the probability of an outcome is 1/6. Ω is an exponentially large number and is of order eN. A precise computation done in homework gives Ω=e555 for N=q=400. The entropy is (up to a constant) the log of the number of partitions

S=kBlnΩ(E)=-kBlogPm (3.3)

Thus the entropy is of order NkB.