B Math

B.1 Rant on units management

(September 1, 2023)

Prof. T and most professional physicists care a lot about units. If you have a dimensionful integral you can’t do, that is bad. If you can turn the integral to something with overall units times a dimensionless integral (which is a number like 2) that isn’t so bad.

Suppose, for example, the integral integral you are trying to compute is an integral over position:

I=0dxx4e-x2/2 (B.1)

where has units of length. Then I5 times a dimensionless number, which turns out to be 0.66467. You should be able to show the 5 without doing any integrals, by simply switching the integration variable from the dimensionful variable x to a dimensionless variable u=x/ (the position in units of ). Here are the steps

I= 0𝑑xx4exp(-x2/2) (B.2)
= 50dxx44exp(-x2/2) (B.3)
= 5×0𝑑uu4exp(-u2) (B.4)
= 5c (B.5)

where c is an order one constant. I think that we can agree that

I=c5 (B.6)

shows a great deal more insight than Eq. (B.1).

The fact that the proportionality constant is c=Γ(5/2)/2=3π/80.66467 doesn’t seem so important11 1 This value of c follows by a change of variables, defining y=u2 in Eq. (B.4)., and I would be happy with I=c5 as a result. Finding c requires doing a dimensionless integral, which is the only kind of integral you should ever try to do!