B Math

B.2 Basic Taylor Series

(September 1, 2023)

You are expected to know what a Taylor series is, but we will develop facility with them as the course develops. You are expected to have the following memorized:

sin(x)= x-x33!+x55!++𝒪(x7) (B.7)
cos(x)= 1-x22!+x44!+𝒪(x6) (B.8)
ex= 1+x+12!x2+𝒪(x3) (B.9)
log(1+x)= x-12x2+13x3+𝒪(x4) (B.10)
(1+x)α= 1+αx+α(α-1)2!x2+α(α-1)(α-2)3!x3+𝒪(x4) (B.11)
11+x= 1-x+x2+𝒪(x3) (B.12)

These get me through life.

They can be integrated, etc, so for example the expression for log(1+x) follows from the geometric series 1/(1+x) by integration:

log(1+x)=0xdx1+x=0xdx[1-x+(x)2+𝒪((x)3)]=x-x22+x33+𝒪(x4) (B.13)