1 Kinetics

1.2 Estimates of ideal gasses and the equipartition theorem

(September 1, 2023)

The pressure of an ideal gas satisfies

pV=nmlRT (1.25)

Here nml is the number of moles, which is the number of particles N in units of Avogadro’s number, nmlN/NA. The symbol nN/V is reserved for the number of particles per volume:

 nNV is NOT nmlNNA . (1.26)

We will work with the number of particles N instead of nml and define Boltzmann’s constant kB

pV=NkBT  kBRNA (1.27)

Sometimes we will drop the “B” and just write kT for kBT.


R=8.32J/K  kB=140eV300K (1.28)

The reason for writing kB like this is because this is how people (including me) remember it: e.g. typical thermal energy, kBT, is “one fortieth of electron volt at room temperature”, T300K.

The typical value of pressure is 1bar=105N/m21atm, a typical volume is a liter, 1L=(10cm)3=1000cm3=10-3m3. We note

(1bar)(1L)=100J (1.29)

Standard Temperature and Pressure (STP) is one bar at 273K (freezing). The volume of one mole of gas at STP is 22 L. Keep in mind that under STP N(particles), V(volume), and U(total energy) are Extensive which mean they will grow with the system size. While T(temperature) and P(pressure) are Intensive and are constant throughout.

The equi-partition theorem states that mean energy per “degree of freedom (dof)” in the gas is 12kT. We will explain what we mean here by dof using examples. Take a mono-atomic gas. Each an atom which can move in three ways – in the x, the y, and the z directions. Thus the number of dof is 3N where N is the number of atoms in the gas. So the total mean total energy in the energy in the gas, which we call U or E (they are the same in our notation), is

UE=32NkT (1.30)

The energy (or Hamiltonian) of each particle, which we typically call ϵ, is a sum of three quadratic forms

ϵ=12mvx2+12mvy2+12mvz2=12mv2 (1.31)

Technically, the equipartition theorem says that the mean energy of each independent subsystem (i.e. a single particle) is 12kBT per quadratic form in the classical Hamiltonian – there are three forms counting the vx2, vy2 and vz2 terms. Each quadratic form gives 12kBT so

12mvx2=12kBT (1.32)


12mv2=32kBT (1.33)

The root means square velocity is

vrms=v2=3kBTm (1.34)

and is typically a couple of hundred meters a second, i.e. close to the speed of sound cs330m/s.

For a classical diatomic gas there are five degrees of freedom (quadratic forms) per molecule, since the diatomic molecule can also rotate around the x and y axis. One must include the translational and rotational kinetic energy

ϵ= 12mvx2+12mvy2+12mvz2+12Iωx2+12Iωy2 (1.35)

We note that instead of working with the velocity and angular velocity we will increasingly work with the momentum px=mvx and the angular momentum Lx=Iωx,

ϵ= px22m+py22m+pz22m+Lx22I+Ly22I (1.36)
= p22m+L22I (1.37)

The average of each of these five quadratic forms is 12kBT so the mean energy per particle is

UN=52kBT (1.38)

The formulas in this section can be used to make a variety of estimates such as: the spacing between particles at room temperature; the typical speed; the typical de Broglie wavelength; typical angular velocity and angular momentum. We defined the thermal de Broglie wavelength:

λth=h2πmkBT (1.39)

We note that λthh/mvrms. The factor of 2π here is purely a matter of convention.