1 Kinetics

1.6 Pressure and effusion

(September 1, 2023)

After a change of variables the probability distribution of velocities (vx,vy,vz) can be written as distribution particles with the speed v, flying with angles θ and ϕ:

d𝒫v,θ,ϕ= (m2πkT)3/2e-mv2/2kBTv2sinθdvdθdϕ (1.71)
= (m2πkT)3/2e-mv2/2kBT4πv2dvsinθdθdϕ4π (1.72)
= P(v)dvdΩ4π (1.73)

where we have recalled Eq. (1.53) for the speed distribution. Thus, the probability of v,θ,ϕ in a specified range is probability of speed v in a range dv, times a probability of angles which are uniformly distributed the sphere, i.e. d𝒫Ω/dΩ=1/4π. The number of particles per volume with speed in [v,v+dv] and angles in [θ,θ+dθ] and [ϕ,ϕ+dϕ] is given by the probability in Eq. (1.73) multiplied by the the number of particles per volume nN/V.

dn=nP(v)dvdΩ4π (1.74)

Consider a hole of area 𝒜 on the wall of a container containing the gas (see Fig. 1.3). The flux through the hole is defined as

Φ1𝒜dNcrossdtnumber of particles crossing the hole per area per second (1.75)

From tube geometry in Fig. 1.3,

In each
Figure 1.3: In each dt a volume 𝒜h=𝒜vdtcosθ passes through the hole

the number of particles flying through the area 𝒜 in time dt with speed in [v,v+dv] and angles in [θ,θ+dθ] and [ϕ,ϕ+dϕ] is dNcross=dn𝒜h, where 𝒜h is the volume of the tube and h=vdtcosθ is the height of the tube. Dividing by 𝒜 and dt we find the differential flux:

dΦ=nP(v)vcosθdvdΩ4π. (1.76)

dΦ is the number of particles passing through the hole per area per second with speed in [v,v+dv] and angles in [θ,θ+dθ] and [ϕ,ϕ+dϕ].

We can integrate the flux dΦ over the velocity and over half of the sphere to find the total flux. Writing the 4π in the dΩ/4π as 22π (see homework for motivation), we find:

Φ=dΦ=n0𝑑vP(v)v0π/212sinθcosθdθ02πdϕ2π= 14nv (1.77)
= nkT2πm (1.78)

We discussed an application or two of Eq. (1.77)

The pressure exerted by the atoms is found by calculating how many particles bounce of the wall per area per time, and the momentum the transfer they impart to the wall. A particle striking the wall velocity 𝒗i=(vx,vy), bounces off the wall with velocity 𝒗f=(-vx,vy) delivering an impulse (see Fig. 1.4).

Momentum transfer to the wall is
Figure 1.4: Momentum transfer to the wall is

The momentum transfer (or impulse) to the wall by the atom is Δ𝒑=2mvxı^=2mvcosθı^. (The momentum transfer to the atom by the wall is Δ𝒑=𝒑f-𝒑i=-2mvxı^.) Recall that force is F=Δp/Δt. The momentum transfer per area per per time, or force per area, created by the atoms with speed and angles in the ranges [v,v+dv], [θ,θ+dθ], [ϕ,ϕ+dϕ] is

dFx𝒜=ΔpxdΦ=dΦ(2mvcosθ) (1.79)

Integrating over v,θ,ϕ as in Eq. (1.77) gives the force per area or pressure. Of course this should give the ideal gas law p=nkBT. Computing the pressure is a matter of integration

p=Fx𝒜=dΦ(2mvcosθ)=nkBT (1.80)

Using dΦ the details are similar to Eq. (1.77)

p=2nm0𝑑vP(v)v20π/212sinθcos2θdθ02πdϕ2π= 13nmv2 (1.81)
= nkBT (1.82)

It is satisfying how the molecular theory of gasses reproduces the ideal gas law p=nkBT.