1 Kinetics

1.4 The velocity and speed distributions

(September 1, 2023)

Consider an ideal gas. Each atom is a subsystem with velocity between vx and vx+dvx, vy and vy+dvy, and vz and vz+dvz.

d𝒫v=Ce-mv2/2kBTdvxdvydvz=P(vx,vy,vz)d3v (1.46)

where C is a normalizing constant and v2=vx2+vy2+vz2. We can determine C from the normalization condition:

1=all vd𝒫v= all vCe-m(vx2+vy2+vz2)/2kBTdvxdvydvz (1.47)

Doing this integral (which factorizes into and integrals over vx, vy and vz) leads to the distribution of velocities

d𝒫v=(m2πkT)3/2e-mv2/2kBTdvxdvydvz (1.48)

We note that the probability for the vector v factorizes into a probability of vx, times a probability of vy, times a probability of vz

d𝒫v=P(vx)dvxP(vy)dvyP(vz)dvz (1.49)

So, the probability of finding a particle with x-component of velocity in [vx,vx+dvx] is after integrating over vy and vz is

d𝒫vx=P(vx)dvx=(m2πkT)1/2e-mvx2/2kBTdvx (1.50)

The book calls P(vx), the uninformative name g(vx).

To find the speed distribution we have to add up the probabilities d𝒫v for all velocities with speed between v and v+dv. This is a spherical shell of width dv (see lecture)

d𝒫v= v in shelld𝒫v (1.51)
= (m2πkT)3/2e-mv2/2kBT 4πv2dvP(v)dv (1.52)

Explicitly the probability density for speed v is

P(v)=(m2πkT)3/2e-mv2/2kBT 4πv2 (1.53)

The book calls P(v), the uninformative name f(v).