1 Kinetics

1.3 The Boltzmann factor

(September 1, 2023)

A system has total energy U. If a subsystem within the system has energy ϵ, the rest of the system has energy U-ϵ. The subsystem should be small and independent of the rest of the system (except in regard to energy exchange), e.g. a molecule in an ideal gas. Probability the subsystem will have energy ϵ is proportional to e-ϵ/kBT

P(ϵ)e-ϵ/kBT (1.40)

This is the Boltzmann factor. We can simplify β=kBT such as to not have to write so much. If you have a set of microscopically small states i=1N, the sum of all of these probabilities is 1, as shown below. Since P(ϵ)=Ce-βϵ we have

iCe-βϵi=1, (1.41)

which determines the constant C which we call 1/Z

C=1ZwithZie-βϵi (1.42)

Z is known as the partition function and is important in what follows. Then the probability of finding the subsystem in state r with energy ϵr is the following

P(ϵ)=e-ϵ/kBTZ (1.43)

The partition function is a function of the temperature, Z(β). The derivative of Z with respect to (minus) β determine the mean energy via the formula

ϵ=1Z(β)(-Zβ) (1.44)

Higher derivatives with respect to minus β determine higher moments of the energy, e.g. to find the second moment ϵ2 we have

ϵ2=1Z(β)(-β)2Z(β)=1Z(β)2Zβ2 (1.45)