1 Kinetics

1.5 Change of variables and solid angles

(September 1, 2023)

1.5.1 Change of variables in 1d

Given a variable x and its probability distribution

d𝒫x=P(x)dx (1.54)

How do we find the probability of u, given a map φ:xu, i.e. when u(x) is a function of x? Assuming that that the map is one to one we have

d𝒫u=P(x(u))|dxdu|du=P(x(u))du|dudx| (1.55)

We note the absolute values here, which reflects the fact that when discussing probability we are asking whether a particle is in a bin of size du, and the bin size isn’t like positive or negative.

The general formula for change of variables for an unoriented integral (like probability) is 33 3 The difference between oriented and unoriented integral is a matter of semantics at this level. If one replaces an integral by a sum of rectangles, you can sum them up in order from the beginning to the end (an oriented integral), or you can sum them up in any order provided they are in a specified region (an unoriented integral).

Rf(x)dx=Ruf(x(u))|dxdu|du (1.56)

Here R is the region of integration for x (for example R could be interval [1,2]), and Ru is the image of R under the map (for example if the map is u(x)=-2x then Ru is [-4,-2]).

To set yourself straight of this notation just make the change of variables in a simple integral, getting the signs right. For example, consider the basic integral:

I=12dx=[1,2]dx=12 (1.57)

Undergoing a change of variables with u=-2x, giving x=-u/2 and dx=-12du, with |dx/du|=12. The integral then becomes

I=-2-4(-12)du=-4-212du=[-4,-2]12du=1 (1.58)

1.5.2 Higher dimensions: spherical coordinates and solid angle

In higher-dimensions we have

d𝒫=P(x,y,z)dxdydzdV (1.59)

where dV is the “volume element”. We will use spherical coordinates x=rsinθcosϕ, y=rsinθsinϕ, and z=rcosθ (see Fig. 1.1).

Spherical coordinates. Use the picture to justify
Figure 1.1: Spherical coordinates. Use the picture to justify x=rsinθcosϕ, y=rsinθsinϕ and z=rcosθ.

A bit of geometry shows that the differential area dA and the volume element dV in spherical coordinates are (see Fig. 1.2)

dA= r2sinθdθdϕ (1.60)
dV= dAdr=r2sinθdrdθdϕ (1.61)
Spherical coordinates. From the figure, justify Eq. (
Figure 1.2: Spherical coordinates. From the figure, justify Eq. (1.60)

So in spherical coordinates

d𝒫= P(x,y,z)r2sinθdrdθdϕ (1.62)
P(r,θϕ)drdθdϕ (1.63)

For example, if

P(x,y,z)=Ce-(x2+y2+z2)/2σ2 (1.64)


P(r,θ,ϕ)=Ce-r/2σ2r2sinθ (1.65)

Rather than using geometry, we can use algebra to make the change of variables. The generalization of Eq. (1.55) is

d𝒫r,θ,ϕ= P(x,y,z)||(x,y,z)(r,θ,ϕ)||drdθdϕ=P(r,θ,ϕ)drdθdϕ (1.66)

Here it is understood that x=rsinθcosϕ, y=rsinθsinϕ, and z=rcosθ are functions of (r,θ,ϕ) (see Fig. 1.1). The double bars denote the absolute value, of the determinant of the Jacobian matrix. The Jacobian matrix (determinant) is defined by the matrix (determinant) of the possible derivatives

|(x,y,z)(r,θ,ϕ)|=|xrxθxϕyryθyϕzrzθzϕ|=|sinθcosϕrcosθcosϕ-rsinθsinϕsinθsinϕrcosθsinϕrsinθcosϕcosθ-rsinθ0|=r2sinθ (1.67)

Take a patch of area A on a sphere. The solid angle is defined as44 4 I have always found the word “angle” here problematic, since it is a two dimensional region were are talking about. Indeed, the differential solid “angle”, dΩ=sinθdθdϕ, is parametrized by two angles, θ and ϕ

ΩAr2. (1.68)

This analogous to an angle in 1d where θ=s/r. Since the area of a region on the a sphere runs from 0 up to 4πr2, we have that Ω is in the range 04π. For a small patch of the sphere subtended by dθ and dϕ (at angles θ,ϕ) we have from the geometry:

dΩdAr2=sinθdθdϕ (1.69)

If a particle’s position is distributed uniformly over the sphere, the probability distribution is

d𝒫=dA4πr2=dΩ4π=sinθdθdϕ4π (1.70)