2 The first law

2.2 The first law

(September 1, 2023)

The change in energy is determine by the heat added to the system ¯dQ plus the work done on the system by you, ¯dW:

dU=¯dQ+¯dW (2.2)

The work done by the system on you (or the work you get out) is ¯dWout=-¯dW. So

dU=¯dQ-¯dWout (2.3)

For a simple homogeneous substance

¯dWout=p(T,V)dV  Wout=ifp(T,V)dV (2.4)

We put a bar as in ¯dW because ¯dW is not the change in a function called W. Rather it is a small amount of work. The amount of work done depends on the path taken (see lecture notes). Similarly ¯dQ is an amount of heat; it is not the change in a function which we call Q. The amount of heat added or removed from the system depends on the path.

To work with the first law we generally need to specify two functions. The first is the pressure33 3 In general the pressure and energy are functions the number of particles N, but N is considered to be a constant and is not notated: p(T,V)p(T,V,N) p(T,V) and the second is the energy U(T,V)

P(T,V) the pressure as a function of temperature and volume (2.5)
U(T,V) the energy as a function of temperature and volume (2.6)

Often the relation pressure-temperature-volume relation is inverted expressing the volume in terms of temperature and pressure

V(T,P)the volume as a function of temperature an pressure (2.7)