2 The first law

2.4 The pressure

(September 1, 2023)

Generally the pressure is a function of temperature T, volume V, and number N, p(T,V,N). Usually the dependence on N is not notated, as N is considered to be a fixed constant, i.e. p(T,V)p(T,V,N).

The volume per particle is the inverse of the density

vNVN=1n (2.21)

The pressure is intensive. This means that if I consider twice as many particles at the same temperature and desity the pressure is unchanged.

Since the pressure is intensive, p=p(T,V,N) is only a function of temperature and vN=V/N, and not V and N separately, p=p(T,vN). If you prefer, you can parametrize the pressure by the temperature and density, p=p(T,n). Thus, we have three parametrizations of the same physical quantity44 4 We are using a common notation in physics, which mathematicians don’t like. What we are really talking about here is three separate functions (or maps) which return the same value at corresponding arguments p=p1(T,V,N)=p2(T,vN)=p3(T,n) (2.22) p1 and p2 and p3 describe the same quantity but have different functional forms, since they are functions of different variables. Take the ideal gas law: p1(T,V,N)=NkTV  p2(T,vN)=kTvN  p3(T,n)=nkT (2.23) For a mathematician the map or functional form is paramount, and the name of the argument is irrelevant, e.g. : p3(T,x,y)=yxkT  p2(T,x)=kTx  p3(T,x)=xkT (2.24) Mathematicians kind of have point: 1/x and x are not the same function! The physics notation uses the names of the arguments, p(T,V,N), p(T,vN), and p(T,n), to distinguish the functions p1, p2, and p3. The physics notation prevents an explosion of symbols for the same physical quantity, but if confused you should go back to the math notation. :

p=p(T,V,N)=p(T,vN)=p(T,n) (2.25)

Using the chain rule, we can relate the volume derivatives of p(T,V,N) to derivatives with respect to the volume-per-particle or with respect to the density :

(pV)T,N=1N(pvN)T  and  (pV)T,N=-NV2(pn)T, (2.26)

Thus, the derivative with respect to volume records how the pressure changes with the particle density55 5 More explicitly we would write (pV)T(pV)T,N :

N(pV)T=(pvN)T=-n2(pn)T (2.27)

Hopefully this is clear enough.

2.4.1 Pressure, Volume, and the Equation of State

Virial Expansion: First consider gasses. At low density, we can make an expansion in the density N/V

p(T,V,N)=NkTV(1+B(T)NV+C(T)(NV)2+) (2.28)

At very low density the ideal gas NkT/V is valid, while at higher density there are corrections. The B(T) is known first virial coefficient. It corrects the ideal gas pressure by an amount of order δp=B(T)kTn2. This goes like the square of the number of particles, and hence reflects the interactions between them.

Response coefficients: Now consider a general substance. Instead of working with the pressure as a function of temperature and volume, we will often work with the volume as a function of temperature and pressure, which contains the same information. The differential in volume is

dV=(VT)pdT+(Vp)Tdp (2.29)

The two derivatives characterize the response of the system. The first one characterizes the expansion of the system with increase in temperature

βp=1V(VT)pThermal expansion coefficient (2.30)

The second one characterizes the increase in pressure with decrease in volume

κT=-1V(Vp)TIsothermal compressiblity (2.31)

The derivatives of like (V/T)p are divided by V so that response coefficients, βp and κT, are intensive. This means that as the number of particles is increased at fixed pressure and temperature, βp and κT are unchanged. Both (V/T)p and V(T,p) are proportional to the number of particles, but βp, which is the ratio of these two quantities, is independent of the total number of particles.

The speed of sound and the compressibility: The first coefficient βp has a clear everyday meaning, i.e. how much does something expand when heated. The second coefficient κT is inversely related to the stiffness of the material. The isothermal bulk modulus directly reflects the stiffness

BT=-1V(pV)T=1κT (2.32)

At constant temperature, an increase in volume dV leads to a drop in pressure determined by κT:

dp=-BTdVV (2.33)

Since sound is a pressure wave, it is not surprising then that κT is related to the speed of sound. The speed of sound is

cs=γκTρ (2.34)

where ρ is the mass per unit volume, and γ=Cp/CV is the adiabtic index.

The adiabatic compressibility and sound: The adiabatic compressibility κS is directly related to κT. κS is the decrease in volume with increasing pressure, with no heat flow66 6 The “S” means at fixed entropy, and as the course progresses we will write κS-1V(Vp)S. For an ideal gas, an adiabatic expansion means that pVγ=const (see below), which can be used to prove Eq. (2.37) for the simple case of an ideal gas. Proving Eq. (2.37) in general requires a more extensive discussion of entropy, covered later in the course :

κS=-1V(Vp)adiab (2.35)

Similarly there is an adiabatic bulk modulus

BS=-V(pV)adiab=1κS (2.36)

We will show much later in the course that for any homogeneous substance

κS=κTγ (2.37)

and so the speed of sound is naturally expressed using the adiabatic compressibility

cs=BSρ (2.38)