2 The first law

2.3 Specific heats

(September 1, 2023)

The first law involves heat. The heat inflows are characterized by the specific heat, which is the amount heat required, ¯dQ, per change in temperature dT.

If the volume is held fixed, we have the specific heat at constant volume

CV(¯dQdT)V (2.8)

The subscript V indicates that the volume is held fixed. If the pressure is held fixed, we have the specific heat at constant pressure

Cp(¯dQdT)p (2.9)

Energy and CV:

If the volume is held fixed dV=0 and ¯dW=0. The change in energy is

dU=(UT)VdT+(UV)TdV0 (2.10)

and so from the first law, dU=¯dQ, and

CV=(UT)V (2.11)

For an diatomic gas U=52NkBT, and so

CV= 52NkB diatomic ideal gas (2.12)

The specific heat grows with the number of particles in the system. For this reason we often quote the specific heat for one mole of substance, CV1ml. The specific for one mole of an ideal gas diatomic gas is for instance

CV1ml= 52NAkB=52R diatomic ideal gas (2.13)

We will discuss the energy U(T,V) later. For any ideal gas (e.g. dilute water vapor) the energy takes the form

U= Ne0(T) any ideal gas (2.14)

The specific heat takes the form

CV= Ne0(T) any ideal gas (2.15)

Or for one mole of substance

CV1ml=R(1kBde0dT) any ideal gas (2.16)

Relating Cp and Cv:

The specific heat at constant pressure Cp is larger than CV, because some of the heat added (per degree of temperature change) is used by the gas to do work as it gas expands at fixed pressure. By figuring how much work is done, we will show shortly that for any ideal gas (not just diatomic or monoatomic)

Cp= CV+NkB any ideal gas (2.17)


Cp1ml= CV1ml+R any ideal gas (2.18)

In general Cp and CV are related. We will show much later using the second law

Cp= CV+VTβp2κT all substances (2.19)

Here βp is the volume expansion coefficient, and κT is the isothermal compressibility – see the next section.

The ratio of specific heats is given a name

γCpCV (2.20)

The factor γ is close to unity in practice and often nearly constant. For instance for a diatomic gas where CV=52NkB, we find using the relation in Eq. (any ideal gas (2.17)), that γ=7/5.