2 The first law

2.6 Isothermal and Adiabatic Expansion for Ideal Gasses and Engine Cycles

(September 1, 2023)

We will consider and ideal gas with constant specific heat, so U=CVT. Then γ=Cp/CV=1+NkB/CV is also constant.

Isothermal Expansion: For an isothermal expansion of a gas there is no change in temperature due to influx of heat compensating the expansion. For an ideal gas you should be able to show that

ΔU=0  Q=Wout=ifp𝑑V=NkBTln(Vf/Vi) (2.51)


Adiabatic Expansion: For an adiabatic expansion Q=0, and there is a change in temperature as the system expands.

ΔU=-ifp𝑑V (2.52)

You should be able to show that during the expansion

pVγ=const  or  pipf=(VfVi)γ (2.53)

Or, since p=NkBT/V, we have

TVγ-1=const  or  TiTf=(VfVi)γ-1 (2.54)

Using the fact that U=CVT, one can use Eq. (2.54) to find the change in energy ΔU=CVΔT.

Engines: In a car engine we burn gasoline. This involves chemical transitions of atomic levels, each of which provide somewhat less than an electron-volt of energy. Since there are of order an Avogadro’s number of such transitions we typically get

NA(eV)100kJ (2.55)

of energy for every mole. The constant NAeV is known as Faraday’s constant. This is a lot of energy which is why internal combustion engines have taken over.

In a given closed cycle of an engine we have

ΔU0=Q-Wout (2.56)

The net heat Q involves positive inputs to the engine Qin, and exhaust Qout which is negative, Qout=-|Qout|. In total


The efficiency is

η=WoutQin=1-|Qout|Qin (2.57)