2 The first law

2.5 Energy

(September 1, 2023)

The total energy of the substance is U(T,V,N), and usually the N is considered fixed and not notated U(T,V)U(T,V,N).

The energy is U(T,V,N) is extensive. This means that if I consider twice as many particles at the same temperature and density, the energy is twice as large. The energy per particle is notated eN:


and is intensive. Like with the pressure, the energy per particle U/N is a function of temperature and the volume per particle, U/N=eN(T,vN). If you prefer you may parametrize the energy per particle by the temperature and density nN/V, that is U/N=eN(T,n). Summarizing

U(T,V,N)=NeN(T,vN)=NeN(T,n) (2.39)

At low densities or large volume we can make a Taylor series expansion in powers of the density N/V, leading to the following series expansion for eN at low densities:

U(T,V,N)=Ne0(T)[1+C1(T)NV+] (2.40)

The first term, Ne0(T), is finite in the limit of infinite volume. This is the ideal gas limit. Ne0(T) represents the energy of the individual atoms, and hence is proportional to N. The next term in the series represents the interactions between the particles and is therefore proportional to N2.

For an ideal gas, we neglect the interactions and have:

U(T,V,N)=Ne0(T) any ideal gas (2.41)

This implies that for an ideal gas77 7 As is common, we are suppressing the N. More precisely the equation is written: (UV)T,N=0. (2.42)

(UV)T=0 any ideal gas (2.43)

As discussed above the function e0(T) determines the specific heat CV for an ideal gas. For a classical mono-atomic or classical diatomic gas the function e0(T) is just proportional to T. For instance for a diatomic gas, where U=52NkBT, then

e0=52kBT diatomic ideal gas (2.44)

However, if the gas is not entirely classical, e.g. the quantum mechanical vibrations of dilute H2O vapor, then e0(T) will have a non-trivial dependence on T. We will calculate e0(T) for some cases as the course progresses.

Response: As with the pressure we need to characterize the response

dU=(UT)VdT+(UV)TdV (2.45)

The first law allows one to relate these derivatives to the measured specific heats and the response coefficients βp that we have already defined.

Fixed volume: If the volume is held fixed dV=0 and ¯dW=0. The change in energy at fixed volume is

dU=(UT)VdT (2.46)

and so from the first law, dU=¯dQ, and so

(UT)V=CV (2.47)


Fixed pressure: Consider a change in temperature and volume at fixed pressure. From the first law

dU=CVdTp+(UV)TdVp=¯dQp-pdVp (2.48)

where we have put subscript “p” to remind ourselves that the path taken is at fixed pressure. Dividing by dTp we see that:

CV+(UV)TVβp=Cp-pVβp (2.49)

where we have used the definition of Cp ( )and βp Thus the second response coefficient is given by CV and Cp

(UV)T=Cp-CVVβp-p (2.50)

This relation gives an experimental way to determine (U/V)T, from the measured specific heats.

For an ideal gas you should be able to show that Vβp=NkB/p, and recognize (U/V)T=0, to produce the relation between Cp and CV given in Eq. (any ideal gas (2.17)).